Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our earth

Have you ever noticed HOW MUCH people litter, cut down trees,
and hunt for animals? etc, etc. Well, that can be fixed, and people
know it can, but they JUST don't listen. An example is: There are bad
people called poachers, who kill elephants and rhinos, and then cut off
there horns.(That is called poaching) Now, elephants and rhinos are endangered
 because of that.
 Poachers know that killing all those elephants and rhinos is
making them endangered, but they don't care. They only
poach them so they can trade with the horns. Who
would want to do that?!?!?

Also, we can help the earth by recycling more.
(Not throwing away things that can be recycled.)


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Recycling-special post

Recycling is the process to change old recyclable objects, into new
objects. There are some standards related to recycling such as ISO for plastics
waste for environmental control of recycling practice. In the strictest sense, recycling a
material would produce a fresh supply of the same material.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2014 Sochi Winter Olympics-special post

YAY FOR SOCHI!!!                                                                             We are lucky, because the Olympics only come around about every 4 years!
     Right now, the Olympics are turning into a huge success. Sochi is bringing good luck to
   many people, so YAY for the people who won bronze, silver, or gold medals! 


A gold medal winner in the Olympics?
I bet that is how a lot of people in the Olympics are feeling! (If they won a gold medal).